318 Wolf Hall Audio Visual

Please remember to switch off all the equipment after you are done. Shutdown the computer properly by selecting Shut down from the Windows menu.

Step 1 – Switch on computer

  • Computer model may change, locate the power button on the front of the computer.
318 Wolf Hall Computer

Step 2 – Switch on projector

  • Remember to set the selection to LAPTOP.
318 Wolf Hall Projector

Step 3 – Switch on audio equipment

  • There are two devices to switch on.

Audio 1

318 Wolf Hall Audio 1

Audio 2

318 Wolf Hall Audio 2

BIOSCI Password

The following password instruction is for BIOSCI systems only. If you are looking for information on changing your UDelNet password, please visit UDel Accounts, Access & Password page.

Password Requirements

Your password must be 12-30 characters long, and it must have at least 3 of these:

  • An upper case letter
  • A lower case letter
  • A number
  • A special character (Not a space). Some examples of special characters are > !,@, #, $, %, ? and *

To proceed with the following link to change your BIOSCI password, you must be on the UDel network. Please connect to VPN first if you are not on the UDel network.

Code42 CrashPlan Cloud Backup

Please contact BISC IT for initial enrollment before using the instructions for Code42 CrashPlan. Follow the strategy below to protect your data. Code42 CrashPlan can help provide you with an offsite copy of your data.

CrashPlan licenses are for use on faculty/staff University-owned machines or faculty/staff machines being used for University business. You can install on up to four devices. Please read the instructions carefully to protect your backup.

Backup Strategy

Installation Instructions

  • IMPORTANT: If this is your lab computer, you must use a separate private administrator account for your installation. If you install using your lab regular sign in, all the backups from different devices on your account will be accessible by everyone using the computer!
  • Sign in to Code42 CrashPlan Console (https://console.us2.crashplan.com) using your UDel email address.
  • You will be redirected to the UDel CAS Login page.
  • In the top left area, move your cursor to the ADMINISTRATION drop down list and click Downloads.

  • Download the Mac OS version and start the dmg installation package (typically saved to your Downloads directory).
  • Click on Install Code42 and follow the installation prompts.
    • Select Install for Everybody (all users)
  • Code42 will start automatically after installation. It may take a short period for it to start. If it does not start, please start Code42 from the Applications.
  • Sign in to Code42
    • Username: enter your UDel email address
    • Server Address: clients.us2.crashplan.com
    • You will be redirected to the UDel CAS Login page on a web browser window. After signing in, you can close the web browser tab and go back to the Code42 application.
    • If you have already added a device to backup, you will be prompted to Add New Device or Replace Existing
      • Choose Add New Device on a new device
      • Add as new device: Click Yes
    • Due to Apple privacy restrictions, Code42 cannot back up some files in locations like your Desktop, Documents, and Downloads, and from apps like Contacts, Photos, and Mail until you grant full disk access to Code42.
      • Click Dismiss
    • Open System Preferences > Security & Privacy
    • Click on the Privacy tab
    • Select Full Disk Access on the left pane
    • Click on the lock icon to make changes
    • Check Code42. Code42 should be listed already. If it is not listed, click on the + icon to add it from the macOS Applications
    • Click Quit & Reopen
CrashPlan macOS Full Disk Access Screen Capture
  • CrashPlan will automatically select and backup the files in your user home directory. If you would like to backup other files and directories, click on the Manage Files… button. You can then browse the top level directory by navigating using the path shown. (see the red box in the picture below).
    • WARNING: PROCEED CAREFULLY. If you unchecked your home directory by mistake, your files in your home directory will not be backed up.
    • IMPORTANT: For lab computer installs, check the top level Users directory to backup all the user accounts on the computer.

  • IMPORTANT: If this is your lab computer, you must use a separate private administrator account for your installation. If you install using your lab regular sign in, all the backups from different devices on your account will be accessible by everyone using the computer!
  • Sign in to Code42 CrashPlan Console (https://console.us2.crashplan.com) using your UDel email address.
  • You will be redirected to the UDel CAS Login page.
  • In the top left area, move your cursor to the ADMINISTRATION drop down list and click Downloads.

  • Download the Windows (64 bit) version and start the msi installation package (typically saved to your Downloads directory).
  • Follow the installation prompts.
    • Select Install for Everybody (all users)
  • Code42 will automatically start after installation. It may take a short period for it to start. If it does not start, please start Code42 from the Windows Start Menu.
  • Sign in to Code42
    • Username: enter your UDel email address
    • Server Address: clients.us2.crashplan.com
    • You will be redirected to the UDel CAS Login page on a web browser window. After signing in, you can close the web browser tab and go back to the Code42 application.
    • If you have already added a device to backup on a different computer, you will be prompted to Add New Device or Replace Existing
      • Choose Add New Device on a new device
      • Add as new device: Click Yes
  • CrashPlan will automatically select and backup the files in your user home directory. If you would like to backup other files and directories, click on the Manage Files… button. You can then browse the top level directory by navigating using the path shown. (see the red box in the picture below).
    • WARNING: PROCEED CAREFULLY. If you unchecked your home directory by mistake, your files in your home directory will not be backed up.
    • IMPORTANT: For lab computer installs, check the top level Users directory to backup all the user accounts on the computer.
CrashPlan Manage Files Screen Capture 01
CrashPlan Manage Files Screen Capture 02

This set of instructions are for Code42 CrashPlan that have been preinstalled on BISC computers. Follow these steps if you are notified by BISC IT to set up backup for your account.

  • In the lower right corner of your desktop view, click on the up arrow icon near the time and date, and click on the Code42 CrashPlan icon.
BISC Office Code42 Screen Capture Image 1

  • Click Sign in to Code42.
    • Username: enter your UDel email address
    • Server Address: clients.us2.crashplan.com
    • You will be redirected to the UDel CAS Login page on a web browser window. After signing in, you can close the web browser tab and go back to the Code42 application. Be patient if you see a spinning wheel on the Code42 CrashPlan application.
    • If you have already added a device to backup on a different computer, you will be prompted to Add New Device or Replace Existing
      • Choose Add New Device on a new device
      • Add as new device: Click Yes
    • You can close the Code42 app after all the steps are completed.


There are different ways to restore files as well as different situations to consider. If you are looking to restore a few small files, you can choose to download a zip file from the web console (currently limited to 250MB). If you are restoring a large number of files, Code42 CrashPlan recommends that you choose to Restore from the App. If your original device has crashed and you are recovering to a new device, please see the following Replace your device instructions on Code42’s website. Contact BISC IT for further assistance.

  • Start the Code42 app.
  • Click on the Restore Files button.
CrashPlan Devices App Restore Screen Capture
  • Proceed to select the date and directories/files to restore. Click Restore Files… in the bottom right area.
  • Restore File options. Choose where to save the restore files and other options.
  • Click Go.
  • Sign in to Code42 CrashPlan Console (https://console.us2.crashplan.com) using your UDel email address.
  • You will be redirected to the UDel CAS Login page.
  • In the top left area, move your cursor to the ADMINISTRATION drop down list and select Devices from the drop down list
  • Click on the appropriate device name.
  • Click on the ‘Restore’ button (see image below)
CrashPlan Devices Web Restore Screen Capture
  • Restore options
    • From Destination: The cloud location should be selected automatically
    • Restore Target options. Choose Zip file or Device.
      • Device will allow you select a specific computer in your backup account to restore the files.
      • Zip file will allow you to download from the web console.
    • Proceed to select the date and directories/files to restore.
CrashPlan Devices Web Restore Selections Screen Capture

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